Practitioners and Teachers of Collaborative Informed Consent (R)
“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.”
President Ronald Reagan
PRSA SILVER ANVIL - Public Relations Society of America's 'Silver Anvil' Award --- The Highest Peer Honor for Public Relations Assistance for their work with the Lockheed Martin Corporation in Burlington, Mass.
NAEP AWARD OF ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE for community and public relations assistance to the Lockheed Martin Corporation at the Great Neck, New York site.
NAEP AWARD OF ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE second National Association of Environmental Professionals Award of Environmental Excellence for community and public relations assistance this time for work with TRC at the Portland-Bangor Waste Oil Site in Wells, Maine.
THE COMMUNICATOR AWARD for working with TRC at the Portland Waste Oil Site for External Communications in the Environmental field.
THE MAR-COM CREATIVE AWARD for assistance in producing the Lockheed Martin Space Day event at Longfellow Elementary School in Riverside, CA.
THE MAR-COM CREATIVE AWARD for the video HOSPICE: Where there is help there is hope produced for the Pennyroyal HOSPICE in Hopkinsville, Ky.
THE COMMUNICATOR AWARD for the video HOSPICE: Where there is help there is hope produced for the Pennyroyal HOSPICE in Hopkinsville, Ky.
THE MARCOM GOLD AWARD brochure/educational category for a Lockheed Martin brochure on the environmental work at Middle River, MD.
MARCOM HONORABLE MENTION AWARD for a brochure developed for Ophthalmology Associates of Western Kentucky.
AVA GOLD AWARD in the "in-house promotional video" category for the development of a recruitment video for the Kentucky New Era.
LOCKHEED MARTIN COMET AWARD for community relations work at the environmental site in Middle River, MD.
IABC/PRSA LANDMARK AWARDS (4) for Overall Communications Community Relations Planning, Graphic/Design for Citizen's Guide, Photography and Photo Essay and Environmental Publications for work on Lockheed Martin's Haley's Run environmental remediation project.
MAR-COM COMMUNICATOR'S AWARD OF EXCELLENCE - Lockheed Martin's Haley's Run project, Akron, Ohio.
DAVEY AWARD OF EXCELLENCE - Lockheed Martin's Haley's Run project, Akron, Ohio
THE CENTRAL OHIO PRSA Prism Award for community relations and integrated planning at Haley's Run project in Akron, Ohio.
LOCKHEED MARTIN COMET AWARD for community relations and integrated communications work at Haley's Run project, Akron, Ohio