Primary Subject: Binders
Series: Featured Products
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Product Summary
As we hear about tragedies and incidents at colleges and universities – from natural disasters to active shooters to bomb threats – it causes us to face the question: What would we do if this happened here? Tabletop exercises help us determine how best to respond should such “What ifs?” turn to real-life.
For instance, active shooter tabletops have become quite common on campuses, especially since Virginia Tech, as institutions explore lockdowns, shelter in place strategies and split-second responses. Tabletops also allow campuses to explore other scenarios, from weather-related emergencies to railroad disasters for schools along the tracks to pandemic flu possibilities.
Campus Tabletop Exercises 2013: Tools, Tips & Techniques is a 180-page binder filled with guidance and samples that you can implement immediately. It allows users to discuss how they would respond to hypothetical crisis situations and prepares institutional stakeholders.
Topics Covered
Within this binder, you’ll find materials such as:
Tools: We’ve created several sample tabletop exercises that you can implement right on your campus, complete with objectives, scenarios, facilitation tips, discussion questions, aftermath considerations and more. By using these exercises, participants will get a better handle on communication structures, individual roles and responsibilities, crisis management tasks, preparation possibilities, training needs and the effectiveness of policies and procedures currently in place.
Tips: Here we’ll provide examples of how tabletops are being used at different colleges and universities. What situations might you encounter during your time on campus? Chemical/hazmat spills, active shooters, tornadoes, fire evacuations, floods and more are all very real dangers – and we’ll show you how institutions are preparing for the worst through tabletops.
Techniques: Plus, we’ll provide tips on how to run effective tabletop exercises – including the who, what, where and when. Who should you involve? Where can tabletops be held effectively? When is a good time? What should you try to cover in a certain amount of time? And how can you create your own tabletops that fit your institution? These questions and more will be addressed.
As a bonus, we’re offering a section on Crisis Communications & Media Relations. Effective communication before, during and after an incident is key when it comes to tabletop success. Learn more about how to work with your campus and community constituents, as well as the media, here.
Special Section:
The Impact of Social Media on Campus Crises
Information is instantaneous within today’s campus landscape and having a smart, savvy, efficient and effective social media plan in place is a key piece of the communications process when handling campus crises. This special section offers ideas, tips, suggestions and real-life examples of how and why you should consider using social media during crises. It explains who should use it and when, as well as common mistakes, effective tools, monitoring and response strategies, reputation and branding considerations, return on investment thoughts and more. Plus, we’ll provide examples of successful social media strategies to incorporate into your campus emergency plan, along with the do’s and don’ts.
What You Get
Save time and money by ordering Campus Tabletop Exercises 2013: Tools, Tips & Techniques Binder & CD. It makes using a tabletop exercise to train your staff much more doable – and within a quicker timeframe. Plus, we provide the strong framework you need to help you develop your own campus-specific tabletop exercises.
Pricing Info
$349 + $9 S&H
With Campus Tabletop Exercises 2013: Tools, Tips & Techniques Binder & CD, you get both the printed binder and an accompanying CD. Access the materials at your convenience – use and distribute the materials in a way that works for you and your staff.
Binders are in stock and available for immediate shipment. We offer a full money back guarantee if not satisfied.