What do Frisch’s Big Boy, IHOP, Curly’s and Miss Peggy’s have in common?
If you were to answer they are all restaurants you would be correct. More importantly though, if you were to answer that the customer service of each of the servers who waited on me at these establishment was excellent you would be more than accurate you would be right on target.
Frisch’s and IHOP one in Louisville, KY and one in Clarksville, IN, Curly’s in Lackawanda, NY and Miss Peggy’s in my hometown of Princeton, KY all have a similar quality – good food, reasonable prices, and excellent service by well-trained and polite servers. At each establishment I was welcomed, felt comfortable, engaged by the server, always had my drink refilled promptly without asking and felt right at home.
You know I teach guest services and I always wish that I had captured these moments on video.
I have not given a “Golden Eagle” Award for Exemplary Service in many months and this week offer kudos and awards to each of these fine establishments.
Congratulations and keep up the good work. The level of service and quality of food at a reasonable price is commendable yet making me feel right at home is extra-ordinary and appreciated.