Dealing with Analyticals
Analyticals by nature are thinkers and process people. They don’t like surprises and they certainly don’t like a lot of social interaction since they are not comfortable with just chit-chat as one of my analytical colleagues told me just let me get to my cubicle so I can go to work. They are serious-minded and focused on working step-by-step through a process to get them from Point A to Point B.
They want to know the how in a relationship – How will we get this job done? is often their first question. Descriptions of analytical are often that they are: compliant, analyzers, factual, thinkers, rational, often seen as the Resident Genius or the Would Be Expert. They often are record keepers and submissive yet hostile.
They see themselves (see being the operative word as they are often visual by nature) as being organized and careful and accurate.
However their possible partner perception, which is if you work with or live with one, is that they are inflexible, slow to move, unresponsive and critical.
Their greatest fear is to make a mistake and be called on it and they stress and become tense when a situation turns emotional or they are taken by surprise. When under stress they will simply avoid you and the situation!
If you choose to manage or prevent conflict with them focus on process, use facts and data to support the discussion, slow your speech down so they have time to think about and integrate what you are saying, ask questions to get feedback and when possible send questions to them in writing before the meeting, always follow your agenda, and put follow up notes in writing. Most of all be patient as analytical show little emotion, provide little feedback and must see the situation clearly before they react.